In the interview for Kornblit Talks Karolina Gębura – Nowak raises many important issues regarding personal and professional development. The exceptional leader also shows real-life examples of the company DEI practice, that focuses on providing leaders with solid toolkit to support their teams and employees. The way she illustrates key issues is so meaningful and genuine:
“How to build relationships, how to solve problems – that’s my first grandmother, a brilliant organizer. The second grandmother was a visionary, a dreamer. She kept telling me: learn, don’t give up on yourself. She demonstrated me various possibilities”
“In life, we encounter disappointments and defeats. Defeats are situations that bring us down. Disappointments touch us deeply but teach us something new and important. They make us aware of our values and boundaries”
“Leadership is not about authority derived from power. It stems from empathy. Participative leadership style resonates with me, but in situations that require it, I am directive as well”
“I am very much hoping for the fastest possible normalization of women returning to work when they feel ready for it, with their partners taking care of the child. This is the time it should be considered normal”
Equal pay:
“When a candidate has lower salary expectations than our minimum, she is offered a proposal above her expectations. Because that’s the range we have established. That’s all. On the other hand it is hard to believe how many women still undervalue themselves”.
If you want to live a life and develop professionally in accordance with your values, be sure to read this interview: full version available in Polish.