Kornblit Talks: Wiesława Markiewicz, CEO & Founder inspirioo GmbH, Executive Advisor & Coach, Leadership Development Trainer.
Kornblit Talks
You are here for the team, not the team for you
Your role as a leader is to support your team by removing obstacles it encounters. So that the team can achieve its goals on its own – highlights Wieslawa Markiewicz, CEO & Founder inspirioo GmbH, Executive Advisor & Coach, Leadership Development Trainer.

In the interview for Kornblit Talks Wieslawa Markiewicz talks about crucial issues regarding leadership as well as leading the way to self-confidence and personal development, among others:

Being the very first woman at the table

At Mercedes-Benz Polska I was the first woman CFO and the first woman on the Management Board. Not only I was the first woman at the table, but I was also about 15 years younger than most of my colleagues. I decided that if it wasn’t a problem for my boss, it wouldn’t be a problem for me. It seems that my colleagues quickly overlooked these differences as well.

Thriving on the top of the tops

The weather conditions on corporate peaks are much like those in the mountains. It’s cold, there are various unfriendly winds, and, just like any peak, there’s very little room for error. If you don’t pay attention, you may find yourself on the brink of disaster. You need to dress warmly in various competencies and understand that reaching the pinnacle is the result of a collective effort involving your support team: family, friends, mentors, supervisors, colleagues, and the friendly angels who surround you, watching over your journey.

New journey as an Executive Coach

As an Executive Advisor, Coach, and Leadership Development Trainer, I have the privilege of meeting many inspiring people. I learn a great deal from them. Furthermore, the work is incredibly rewarding when a client tells you that you have changed his/her life and way of thinking. When you can see that they are now happier and more fulfilled, and that they have surpassed their own expectations. You’ve helped them overcome various challenges, preventing them from making potentially life-altering mistakes, and more.

Challenges faced by C-Level and New Leaders

It’s essential to remember that not all storms come to destroy you; some storms come to clarify your path. One concerning issue is that many leaders, at all managerial levels, struggle with self-confidence. They are surrounded by the seemingly endless successes of others because failures are seldom discussed. They have become victims of the Instagram or LinkedIn culture. As a result, they begin to doubt themselves, and the imposter syndrome takes hold.

The importance of equity and diversity in business

I was raised to believe that we are all equal. I don’t understand why we should be treated differently. For me, gender doesn’t matter; only skills and personality do. A friend of mine once beautifully summarized the topic of our diversity: “Look at us. I guess you couldn’t find two people more different from each other. Yet, we share the same values. I’m from a slightly different era, so I was skeptical, but you’ve shown me that a company led by both a man and a woman is much more beneficial”.

If you want to live a life and develop professionally in harmony with your values, be sure to read this interview: full version available in Polish.