In the interview for Kornblit Talks, Wioletta Januszczyk shares reflections on diversity in business and her own leadership journey:
It’s important to have a goal in life and build a path toward it, seizing opportunities along the way. I’m not a fan of the idea that some people have more or less luck. It’s more about how well people can take advantage of the opportunities that come their way. Some people, when faced with the same decision, may not necessarily make the most of it. In my view, that’s what distinguishes those who succeed in innovation or business. Much depends on what risks we’re willing to take and how much we’re ready to shoulder in order to reach that goal.
When I take an untraveled path, it’s natural that sooner or later I’ll trip over some stone. As a rule, I always have plans A, B, and C. I need to have an alternative in case of failure.
When I feel like I’m part of something bigger and I see the results of my work, even if it’s been tough at times, I feel satisfaction. However, the best strategy without a great team is just a hallucination. That’s something that stuck with me after my last INSEAD session on innovation: even if we have a great business idea, if it’s at the wrong time or we don’t have the best possible team to implement it, we will fail.
Full version of the interview available in Polish.