In the interview for Kornblit Talks, Marta Życińska shares reflections on her own leadership journey. She emphasizes the following:
Can I attribute my success to something specific? My career path has certainly been conscious and planned. I made my choices thoughtfully, which is why I didn’t rush into high positions, even though I had the opportunities. I always made sure to maintain a balance between work and family life. I cared about healthy development. After all, following intense professional growth, there can also be a sharp decline, and that is a natural phenomenon too. That’s why I chose a stable career development path. I didn’t think about what role or company I should be in five years. Looking back now, I can confidently say that this was a very good approach because there are some things we simply can’t control.
I always wanted to have five children. But at a certain point, I had to change my plans because that balance began to wobble, and I really enjoy my work and didn’t want to give it up. If I had acted differently back then, either at home or at work, I probably wouldn’t be happy today.
I also never thought of myself as “all-knowing.” If I didn’t know something, I asked for an explanation. And that’s what good management is about – surrounding yourself with people who are experts in their field, allowing them to act, and letting them make decisions.
Full version of the interview available in Polish.