Marta Westrych - Andrzejczyk, Dyrektor HR i członkini zarządu DPD Polska w wywiadzie dla Kornblit Talks
Kornblit Talks
Pink & fluffy HR stuff is not my style
"Out of sympathy for people, empathy is born. I see the human aspect in each individual; I am an empathetic leader. However, I also understand the importance of tangible results, and the final outcome matters. The presence of HR in the company's management underscores the strategic significance of people. That's why 'pink & fluffy HR stuff' is not my style. My HR philosophy is highly pragmatic, providing real support for the business" - emphasizes Marta Westrych - Andrzejczyk HR Director, Board Member at DPD Poland, discussing leadership, equality policies over quotas and the voice of women in logistics.

In the interview for Kornblit Talks Marta Westrych – Andrzejczyk embraces among others:

Diverstity on boards

Women possess an equal right to occupy pivotal roles in organizations and advance professionally, exhibiting a level of competency on par with men. At the moment our management board includes two female leaders, accounting for 28 percent. Yet, the representation of women is extensive across the entire organization, with over 42 percent of our workforce being women, and nearly half of the managerial positions being held by women. Research suggests that a minimum of 30 percent representation is necessary for a group to be duly acknowledged and heard. Therefore, as women, we undeniably have a strong voice within our company.

Equality over quotas

We don’t have a policy of quotas. We have an equality policy. Our belief is anchored in prioritizing competencies for each position, with gender never serving as a determining factor in employment decisions.


I don’t subscribe to the notion that leadership is a solitary journey; I champion collaboration. Leading is about inspiring and illuminating the path for others. Yet, one doesn’t always need to be the locomotive hauling the wagons. Occasionally, adopting a metaphorical back seat management approach proves more effective. It all hinges on the specific situation at hand.

DEI in action as an obligation

Diversity embraces a spectrum of roles and life choices within our community, including parents, singles, and those shouldering caregiving responsibilities for their loved ones.

An organization bears a moral responsibility to institute systems and foster an organizational culture that uplifts its employees. Mothers, in particular, ought to be able to return to work after a hiatus without being forced to navigate the challenging decision between their personal lives and careers. This predicament is a prevalent challenge for women in managerial roles.

If you want to live a life and develop professionally in harmony with your values, be sure to read this interview: full version available in Polish.