Sabina Kornblit interview Manage HR Magazine 2023
We don’t take shortcuts when recruiting best talents
During an interview session with Manage HR Magazine, Sabina Kornblit shed light on headhunter’s toolbox. Take a deep dive in the article to discover more about Kornblit & Partners, executive search best practices and the way we work with clients to attract and acquire the best talents.

Manage HR Magazine : What was the inspiration behind establishing Kornblit & Partners?

Sabina Kornblit: The story of Kornblit & Partners began in 1999, when Jan Kornblit cooperated with banks’ treasury departments.

He was providing them with innovative solutions, and he noticed that banks struggled finding the right talents for their job openings. So he proposed two candidates, he believed were best fits for that role. And both of them were hired. That was the moment he discovered this type of service could be monetized and turned into a business.

From the very beginning, my father was focused on identifying transformational leaders, who could contribute to long-term growth of the client. Because recruiting cutting-age leaders is the key to the success of any organization. This is crucial enough to be even mentioned in a book. Long-term profits of cooperation with Jan Kornblit were described in autobiographical book by Josef Wancer – a legendary banker who managed banks in the USA, Japan, Austria, Great Britain and Poland.

Since then Kornblit & Partners has implemented a number of projects for financial industry, e.g. for Commerzbank, Raiffeisen Bank International, BNP Paribas, Millennium Bank Group or the Swiss Millennium Banque Privée. We also cooperate with global organizations such as McDonald’s or GE and with polish companies such as Kruk.

Manage HR: What steers you ahead of market competition?

Sabina Kornblit: Let me show you just few numbers about Kornblit & Partners: 25 -1100 -100 000 – 21

We have been successfully connecting the best candidates with companies for almost 25 years. This gives us a huge lot of experience, trust and relationships that pay off. For example we have been working with some clients since launching the company. Clients stay with us for decades. They consider us business partners, not just another agency.

We have successfully completed over 1100 executive search recruitment processes from senior managerial to board member roles. We have run also hundreds of customized projects  – interim management, mapping, outplacement and so on.

As an executive search agency, we reach candidates who are not actively looking for a job. That is why our own database of quality contacts is our advantage. We already have over 100,000 profiles of potential candidates with diverse backgrounds and experience.

We stand out from the market by a very fast project implementation time – on average in 21 days. We are also known for out-of-the box / unconventional approach to the methods of reaching candidates. For example, when the candidate’s pool is very narrow, or we have to limit ourselves strictly in terms of location, we carefully verify our client’s competitive environment. Company by company, profile by profile.

And what I personally like the most – we are closing processes that others have failed to do.

And what I personally like the most – we are closing processes that others have failed to do. This is possible, because we are able to find candidates, where our competition has not looked.

And last but not least – we enjoy what we do. That’s why we’re so good at it.

Manage HR:  Are there many other challenges employers face today when recruiting?

Sabina Kornblit: Digitization changing our clients’ expectations. The market is very competitive. Companies need to hire experts with unique competencies. At the same time it is harder and harder to attract potential candidates so they take a new step in their career.

And then Kornblit & Partners comes in. We are clients advisors. Because we have completed hundreds of non-standard processes, we are able to support clients from the very beginning –  such as defining key competencies or developing a job description.

Because we have completed hundreds of non-standard processes, we are able to support clients from the very beginning –  such as defining key competencies or developing a job description.

Moreover we give market insights to our clients to offer them significant added value. On the other hand, recruitment for the executive positions – board members, CEO and so on – require exceptional discretion and trust. And top of mind awareness of Kornblit & Partners brand among top management. We have it all. To cut a long story short – candidates are willing to talk to us and always answer the call.  And this is where magic begins- we built a strong bond with our candidates.

Manage HR: What are your cooperation principles?

Sabina Kornblit: First of all – no two processes are the same. Each one is a new opening for us. When creating a candidate’s profile, we go beyond the job description. We take into account the specificity of the industry, market dynamics, but also the client’s organizational culture.

We know client’s business well. We understand its needs. It requires our flexibility very often. For example, to close the deal with one of our global clients we needed to find candidates during festive season. It was very challenging but we made it. We recruited a team of experts who became the core of a newly opened company. We always go extra mile for our clients. Thanks to this they can go with their initial plan and take advantage of starting the new year supported by new talents.

We don’t take shortcuts. Finding the right candidate requires 3 drivers to succeed: time, connections direct relations.

We don’t take shortcuts. Finding the right candidate requires 3 drivers to succeed: time, connections direct relations. The time is necessary for in-depth direct search but we dedicate time to candidates too. We stay in touch with them and give feedback because when analyzing the market we look wider than candidates do. This is an added value for them. We make sure we point out a broader perspective to a candidate, who was not aware of new areas of possible development. Especially we can help with making difficult decisions like stepping back – or sideways –to boost their career or shift into a whole new field. We have numerous examples of career pivots. We are following these candidates, so we have evidence that there were always good decisions.

Clients and candidates trust our expert recommendations. We know it when they come back to us next time, also as new clients.

Our success would not be possible without consultants with in-depth knowledge, comprehensive competences, critical and long-term thinking skills.

Our success would not be possible without consultants with in-depth knowledge, comprehensive competences, critical and long-term thinking skills. They are dedicated to work and simply love what they do. They enjoy exploring new areas, so each new project extend their competences. For example: at the moment business in Poland needs to incorporate new regulations on sustainable development. Companies have to creat new positions in the structure dedicated to ESG and non-financial reporting. Thanks to the fact that clients chose us to recruit in this new area, today we have expert knowledge and gained new competences.

I can see how candidates think differently about work and development than they used to do 2 or 3 years ago. So we help clients find themselves in the current market situation, and on the other hand, we take up the role as an advisor and negotiator.

I can see how candidates think differently about work and development than they used to do 2 or 3 years ago. So we help clients find themselves in the current market situation, and on the other hand, we take up the role as an advisor and negotiator.

During the selection process, we also analyze the candidate’s personal predispositions and talk about his expectations. Because a good match means that the new hire not only has all the competencies required for a given position, but he is fit to thrive in his future role in the organization as well.

The result is a win-win situation for both parties. The candidate develops professionally and the client’s business flourishes.